package require Tk wm geometry . "480x640" catch { package require wce set platform [wce platform] wm geometry . [concat [lindex [wce sipinfo] 2]x[expr [lindex [wce sipinfo] 3] - 104]+0+[lindex [wce sipinfo] 1]] bind . <ConfigureRequest> {::etcl::autofit .} } set about [concat "minEd - a minimal editor original by Richard Suchenwirth 2003 extended by volcas 2006 build " [file tail [info script]]] set fname "" wm title . minEdit set enc utf-8 set hmod txt set fmod 0 set oldpos 1 set font_family Tahoma set font_size 9 set font [font create -family $font_family -size $font_size] pack [scrollbar .y -width 20 -command "parse .t 0; .t yview"] -side right -fill y pack [text .t -wrap word -yscrollc ".y set" -undo 1 -exportselection 1 -tabs {0.25c left} -font $font -padx 5 -pady 5 -foreground black] -side right -fill both -expand 1 catch { if {$::platform ne ""} { bind .t <Key-Up> {event generate .t <Key-Prior>; break} bind .t <Key-Down> {event generate .t <Key-Next>; break} bind .t <Key-Return> {if $::fmod {.mb.view invoke "Fullscreen"; break}} } } bind .t <Key> { set c [encoding convertfrom unicode %A] if {$c ne ""} {.t insert insert $c; break} parse .t 0 } bind .t <MouseWheel> {parse .t 0} bind .t <<Modified>> { if {[string index [wm title .] end] ne "*" } { wm title . [concat minEdit - [concat [file tail $fname] *]] } } # popup menue catch {wce tapandhold .t on} bind .t <ButtonPress-3> {if {$::fmod} {tk_popup .mb %X %Y} else {tk_popup .mb.edit %X %Y}} # menue menu .mb . configure -menu .mb # file menu .mb add cascade -label "File" -menu [menu .mb.file -tearoff 0] .mb.file add command -label "New" -command {newText .t} .mb.file add command -label "Open..." -command {loadText .t [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir ebooks]} .mb.file add command -label "Save as..." -command {saveText .t [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir ebooks]} .mb.file add command -label "Save" -command {saveText .t $fname} .mb.file add separator .mb.file add command -label "Exit" -command {exit} .mb.file add separator .mb.file add command -label "About" -command {tk_messageBox -title About -message $about -type ok} # edit menu .mb add cascade -label "Edit" -menu [menu .mb.edit -tearoff 0] .mb.edit add command -label "Undo" -command {catch {.t edit undo}} .mb.edit add command -label "Redo" -command {catch {.t edit redo}} .mb.edit add separator .mb.edit add command -label "Cut" -command {tk_textCut .t} .mb.edit add command -label "Copy" -command {tk_textCopy .t} .mb.edit add command -label "Paste" -command {tk_textPaste .t} .mb.edit add separator .mb.edit add command -label "Find" -command {searchrep .t 0} .mb.edit add command -label "Replace" -command {searchrep .t 1} # edit format menu .mb.edit add separator .mb.edit add cascade -label "Format" -menu [menu .mb.edit.format -tearoff 0] foreach {fo} [list emphasis strong epigraph cite text-author annotation poem v] { .mb.edit.format add command -label $fo -command [list formatText .t $fo] } # option menu .mb add cascade -label "Options" -menu [menu .mb.options -tearoff 0] .mb.options add cascade -label "Color" -menu [menu .mb.options.color -tearoff 0] .mb.options add cascade -label "Fonts" -menu [menu .mb.options.fonts -tearoff 0] .mb.options.fonts add cascade -label "Famlies" -menu [menu .mb.options.fonts.families -tearoff 0] foreach f [lsort -dictionary [font families]] { .mb.options.fonts.families add radiobutton -variable font_family -value $f -label $f -font [font create -family $f -size $font_size] -command {.t configure -font [font create -family $font_family -size $font_size]} } .mb.options.fonts add cascade -label "Sizes" -menu [menu .mb.options.fonts.sizes -tearoff 0] foreach s {6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20} { .mb.options.fonts.sizes add radiobutton -variable font_size -value $s -label $s -command {.t configure -font [font create -family $font_family -size $font_size]} } .mb.options add cascade -label "Encoding" -menu [menu .mb.enc -tearoff 0] foreach n [lsort {unicode utf-8 cp1251 cp1252 iso8859-1 iso8859-5}] { .mb.enc add radiobutton -variable enc -value $n -label $n -command {setEnc .t} } # view menue .mb add cascade -label "View" -menu [menu .mb.view -tearoff 0] foreach h {txt markup hidemarkup fb2} { .mb.view add radiobutton -variable hmod -value $h -label [string toupper $h 0] -command {parse .t 1} } catch { if {$::platform ne ""} { .mb.view add separator .mb.view add checkbutton -variable fmod -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -label "Fullscreen" -command {fscreen .t} } } # end menue proc formatText {w fo} { if {[$w tag ranges sel] ne "" && $fo ne ""} { set selrange [$w tag ranges sel] $w insert [lindex $selrange 1] [concat </$fo>] $w insert [lindex $selrange 0] [concat <$fo>] } else {return} parse $w 1 } # fullscreen proc fscreen {w} { catch { if {$::platform eq ""} return if {$::fmod} { . configure -menu {} .y configure -width 0 wm geometry . [concat [lindex [wce sipinfo] 2]x[lindex [wce sipinfo] 3]+0+0] wce fullscreen . wce sip buttonoff . ::etcl::autofit . } else { . configure -menu .mb .y configure -width 20 wm geometry . [concat [lindex [wce sipinfo] 2]x[expr [lindex [wce sipinfo] 3] - 104]+0+[lindex [wce sipinfo] 1]] wce normalscreen . wce sipbuttonon . ::etcl::autofit . } } {tk_messageBox -message "Fullscreen error" -type ok} } # text i/o operations proc newText {w} { global fname set fname "" wm title . minEdit $w configure -state normal $w delete 1.0 end } proc loadText {w fn} { catch { if {$fn eq ""} return $w configure -state normal autoFormat $fn set fp [open $fn] fconfigure $fp -encoding $::enc $w delete 1.0 end $w insert end [read $fp] close $fp parse $w 1 global fname set fname $fn wm title . [concat minEdit - [file tail $fname]] } {tk_messageBox -message "FileOpen error" -type ok} } proc saveText {w fn} { catch { if {$fn eq "New*"} { set $fn [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir ebooks] if {{$fn eq "New*"} || {$fn eq ""}} return } global fname set fp [open $fn w] fconfigure $fp -encoding $::enc puts -nonewline $fp [$w get 1.0 "end - 1 c"] close $fp set fname $fn wm title . [concat minEdit - [file tail $fn]] } {tk_messageBox -message "FileSave error" -type ok} } proc pretty-print {xml} { set ident 0 set idx1 0 set idx2 0 set buffer "" set result "" regsub -all {>\s+<} $xml {><} xml; # remove whitespace (newlines and tabs between tags) while {1} { set idx2 [string first >< $xml $idx1] if {$idx2 != -1} { set buffer [string range $xml $idx1 $idx2] # pre decrement if this is a closing tag if {[string index $buffer 1] == "/"} { incr ident -1 } append result "[string repeat \t $ident]$buffer\n" if {![regexp {^<\?|</|/>$} $buffer]} { incr ident } set idx1 [expr $idx2+1] } else { break } } append result [string range $xml $idx1 end] return $result } proc autoFormat {fn} { if {$fn eq ""} return global hmod catch { if {[lsearch {.xml .xslt .xsl .html .htm .shtml} [file extension $fn]] ne ""} {set hmod markup } if {[lsearch {.fb2} [file extension $fn]] ne ""} { set hmod fb2} set fp [open $fn] regexp {(encoding=\")(.+)(\")} [read $fp 50] str str1 str2 str3 close $fp if {$str2 ne ""} { global enc switch [string tolower $str2] { windows-1251 {set enc cp1251} windows-1252 {set enc cp1252} iso-8859-1 {set enc iso8859-1} iso-8859-5 {set enc iso8859-5} default {set enc utf-8} } } } } # end file i/o " # search and replace proc searchrep {w replace} { foreach sb {.sf .cancel .prev .next .replace .replaceall} { if {[winfo exists $sb]} {destroy $sb} } labelframe .sf -text Search -height 135 set bw 20 button .cancel -image [image create photo -data $::imgdata(cancel)] -width $bw -height $bw -command [list destroy .sf .cancel .prev .next .replace .replaceall] button .prev -image [image create photo -data $::imgdata(prev)] -width $bw -height $bw -command [list next $w 1 0] button .next -image [image create photo -data $::imgdata(next)] -width $bw -height $bw -command [list next $w 0 0] bind .sf <Double-1> { foreach sb {.sf .cancel .prev .next .replace .replaceall} { if {[winfo exists $sb]} {destroy $sb} } } place .cancel -in .sf -x 5 -y 5 place .prev -in .sf -x 35 -y 5 place .next -in .sf -x 65 -y 5 place [entry .sf.f -textvar Find] -in .sf -x 5 -y 35 -relwidth 0.95 bind .sf.f <Key> { set c [encoding convertfrom unicode %A] if {$c ne ""} {.sf.f insert insert $c; break} } if {$replace} { .sf configure -text "Replace" -height 165 button .replace -image [image create photo -data $::imgdata(replace)] -width $bw -height $bw -command [list next $w 0 1] button .replaceall -image [image create photo -data $::imgdata(replaceall)] -width $bw -height $bw -command [list replace_all $w] place .replace -in .sf -x 95 -y 5 place .replaceall -in .sf -x 125 -y 5 place [entry .sf.r -textvar Replace] -in .sf -x 5 -y 65 -relwidth 0.95 bind .sf.r <Key> { set c [encoding convertfrom unicode %A] if {$c ne ""} {.sf.r insert insert $c; break} } } place [checkbutton .sf.reg -text "RegExp" -variable RegExpression] -in .sf -x 5 -y [expr [.sf cget -height] - 70] place [checkbutton .sf.ic -text "Ignore case" -variable IgnoreCase] -in .sf -x 120 -y [expr [.sf cget -height] - 70] place .sf -in $w -x 20 -y 40 -relwidth 0.9 focus -force .sf.f catch { set str [$w get sel.first sel.last] if {$str ne ""} { .sf.f delete 0 end .sf.f insert end $str } } } proc next {w back replace} { if {[winfo exists .sf]} {destroy .sf} focus -force $w foreach {from to} [$w tag ranges hilite] { $w tag remove hilite $from $to } set cmd [list $w search -count n -- $::Find insert+2c] if {$::IgnoreCase} {set cmd [linsert $cmd 2 -nocase]} if {$::RegExpression} {set cmd [linsert $cmd 2 -regexp]} if {$back} {set cmd [linsert $cmd 2 -backwards]; set cmd [lreplace $cmd end end insert-2c] } set pos [eval $cmd] if {$pos ne ""} { $w tag config hilite -background yellow -foreground darkgreen $w mark set insert $pos $w see insert $w tag add hilite $pos $pos+${n}c parse $w 1 set line [lindex [$w bbox $pos] 1] if {$line > [$w cget -height]} { set line [expr $line - 25] } if {$line < 25} { set line [expr [lindex [$w bbox $pos] 1] + 25] } place .cancel -in $w -x 5 -y $line place .prev -in $w -x 30 -y $line place .next -in $w -x 55 -y $line if {$replace} { place .replace -in $w -x 80 -y $line .replace configure -command [list replace $w $pos $n] place .replaceall -in $w -x 105 -y $line # .replaceall configure -command [replace $w $pos $n] } } else { tk_messageBox -message [concat "$::Find" not found. Please try another expression.] -type ok } } proc replace {w pos n} { $w configure -state normal $w delete $pos $pos+${n}c $w insert $pos $::Replace next $w 0 1 } proc replace_all {w} { set counter 0 if {$::Find eq $::Replace} {return} set cmd [list $w search -count n -- $::Find insert+2c] if {$::IgnoreCase} {set cmd [linsert $cmd 2 -nocase]} if {$::RegExpression} {set cmd [linsert $cmd 2 -regexp]} while {1} { set pos [eval $cmd] if {$pos ne ""} { $w delete $pos $pos+[string length $::Find]c $w insert $pos $::Replace incr counter } else {break} } if {$counter == 0} { tk_messageBox -message [concat "$::Find" not found.\nPlease try another expression.] -type ok } else { destroy .sf .cancel .prev .next .replace .replaceall tk_messageBox -message [concat "$::Find" $counter time(s) replaced.] -type ok } } # end search # encoding proc setEnc {w} { set tpos [$w index @1,1] set ttext [$w get 1.0 "end - 1 c"] $w configure -state normal $w delete 1.0 end $w insert 1.0 [encoding convertfrom $::enc $ttext] $w yview $tpos parse $w 1 } # end encoding # parsing proc parse {w u} { if {$::hmod eq "txt" || $::hmod eq "markup"} { $w configure -state normal } else { $w configure -state disabled } # remove all hilight infos if {$::hmod eq "txt"} { foreach ttags [$w tag names] { $w tag delete $ttags } return } global oldpos set tpos [lindex [split [$w index @1,1] . ] 0] set dist [expr $tpos - $oldpos] if {abs($dist) > 50 || $u == 1} { set oldpos $tpos } else {return} set first [concat [expr $tpos-100].0] set last [concat [expr $tpos+100].0] # hiligth markup tags if {$::hmod eq "markup" || $::hmod eq "hidemarkup" || $::hmod eq "fb2"} { foreach ttags [$w tag names] { $w tag delete $ttags $first $last } set re {\<[^\<]+\>} set newpos $first while {1} { set pos [eval [list $w search -elide -regexp -count n -- $re $newpos $last]] if {$pos ne ""} { set newpos $pos+${n}c $w tag add mltag $pos $newpos if {[$w get $pos+1c $pos+2c] ne "/"} { set atag [lindex [split [$w get $pos+1c $newpos-1c] { }] 0] if {[lsearch {p emphasis strong title v poem subtitle annotation text-author cite epigraph binary a} $atag] > -1} { set pos2 [getNext $w \</$atag\> $pos+2c] $w tag add tagstyle($atag) $pos+${n}c $pos2 } } } else {break} } # correct non tagged values set re {\>[^\>]+\<} set newpos $first while {1} { set pos [eval [list $w search -regexp -count n -- $re $newpos $last]] if {$pos ne ""} { set newpos $pos+${n}c $w tag remove mltag $pos+1c $newpos-1c } else {break} } if {$::hmod eq "hidemarkup" || $::hmod eq "fb2"} { $w tag configure mltag -elide 1 } else { $w tag configure mltag -elide 0 -foreground blue } if {$::hmod eq "fb2"} { $w tag configure tagstyle(annotation) -justify right -elide 0 -font [font create -family $::font_family -size $::font_size -slant italic] $w tag configure tagstyle(binary) -elide 1 $w tag configure tagstyle(a) -foreground blue $w tag configure tagstyle(cite) -elide 0 -lmargin1 20 $w tag configure tagstyle(epigraph) -elide 0 -lmargin1 20 -rmargin 20 -justify right $w tag configure tagstyle(text-author) -elide 0 -lmargin1 20 -rmargin 20 $w tag configure tagstyle(p) -elide 0 -lmargin1 10 $w tag configure tagstyle(emphasis) -elide 0 -font [font create -family $::font_family -size $::font_size -slant italic] $w tag configure tagstyle(strong) -elide 0 -font [font create -family $::font_family -size $::font_size -weight bold] $w tag configure tagstyle(title) -elide 0 -justify center -font [font create -family $::font_family -size [expr $::font_size + 2] -weight bold] $w tag configure tagstyle(subtitle) -elide 0 -justify center -font [font create -family $::font_family -size [expr $::font_size + 1] -weight bold] $w tag configure tagstyle(v) -elide 0 -lmargin1 20 -font [font create -family $::font_family -size $::font_size -slant italic] $w tag raise tagstyle(p) $w tag raise tagstyle(v) $w tag raise tagstyle(emphasis) $w tag raise tagstyle(strong) $w tag raise tagstyle(title) $w tag raise tagstyle(text-author) $w tag raise tagstyle(cite) $w tag raise tagstyle(epigraph) $w tag raise tagstyle(annotation) $w tag raise tagstyle(binary) $w tag raise tagstyle(a) $w tag raise mltag } } } proc getNext {w str pos} { set pos2 [$w search -regexp -elide -count n -- $str $pos end] if {$pos2 ne ""} {return $pos2} else {return -1} } # end parse focus -force .t #wce siphide catch { wce siphide ::etcl::autofit . } set imgdata(cancel) " iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAUCAYAAACNiR0NAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAA BGdBTUEAALGOfPtRkwAAACBjSFJNAAB6JQAAgIMAAPn/AACA6QAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF2+SX8VG AAACiUlEQVR42mL8//8/AzUBQAAxMVAZAAQQC7pAcv0asJPfvP3CsHFKAiOxcjAAEEBYXTijJpDh 0tX7DKTKgQBAAFHdywABxIgcKSAvgbzz8cs3hocPXzLoaSuCvfbuzIX/pZvvMGCTQzcQIIAwXLim P5ahKMWTwdRMD+w1kGGc/t4MXD++YsiBwPv1m/6/vX0f7iqAAMKIlJDCxXBXgMCG4m6GqI8fGWwu HQDK/YfLaX99yfDNwvI/55XLDP90dBkYThwHqwcIIAaQl0E4qW71fxB4+uLj/4OX3v0PLVvzX8Gh 7v/qomn/v3Nz/38spfD/3/v3YPkzqw7+fyMkBhb/am7x/+3p8/9h5gAEENjLq47dAzv53M23DC8+ /GY4ce4O3MWLf3IynFAwZBD5+JrhcecUhteP3jCI1hcwcP/8yrBKVI8hWzOCQcjEAB6WAAEEjhRY ZIDA4xefIGHz9i0kTJg/MvD9+cmw+8o6cDjeE5ZjUHr7iGGjrBlDhYQtWM39/Y1wAwECiAU5Mvad e85w5fYrhst33zAcPHAUReG7fRH/Gfy8wYZ9VtNmeFLUw2APVYcMAAKI6HTICIwYGOB8/piB780z rOoAAogoA0FJgyMnk+EbBzcDY0AAA8vnTwz+E4oY5F7exVALEEBYDfz27TMw3H6ADfqcmvafMzYK 7MKNtqEMTPMXMtxLLQa7MH9lA0Pxk8Ngde/2HQRHLEAAwSPlx8+fDMAkwfDrx0+G5y8/gA2+pPKc gXX5Mob//PwMP6ZMZyi58IsBps7y/lmGpCs7GGR/fgTLf1+8jEHIyZ4RIIDg6RAXfrdu4/83t+79 xyePnA4BAoiR2gUsQABRvbQBCCCqGwgQYAB5xJEjL6h6OQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== " set imgdata(prev) " iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAUCAYAAACNiR0NAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAA BGdBTUEAALGOfPtRkwAAACBjSFJNAAB6JQAAgIMAAPn/AACA6QAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF2+SX8VG AAABqklEQVR42mL8//8/AzUBQAAxMVAZAAQQCzLnzat3cLb5deP/JzXPMhJjiIiYEJwNEEBYXQgy jFwXAgQQEzbDVPhV4WwQlp8mRbQFAAGE4mXjU57/NWQghsEMBYEXDM+JdiFAAKEYeNZsOyPINTYB dgxHNhwiy8sAAcSInGxgkQLz4sOsZyRHCkAAsWBTADIIZmjbvL3/P36HmNuZ7cRYPnUf3AUgPrpe gADCmQ5hrgMZNqchmGHpyv1wOXQ+MgAIIKxehgGYa1iB1goJ8DJcu/OCQViIm0FRWojh7sNXDC9f v2dY1BLOiOxlgAAimFNArlFVVmJ4/voDw7Xbzxnu3HvFUJ3qyKCjqcaw79AVDPUAAUR01rv78A3D 4+fvGf4D4c9ff3CqAwggnF6GeVeQh53hxZuPDIyMLAxrtp9ncLRQZTDTk2V49uIdw7OXbxn2HLrO 8OPGVHjkAAQQXheGeVkwdJf4MBjqajGs3nCY4fHuckZJCQEGSxNthkk1IQyOdlYYegACiOqlDUAA Ud1AgABiwSfpH99OkjgIAAQQI7VLbIAAorqXAQIMAOKXlwoT1EgEAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC " set imgdata(next) " iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAUCAYAAACNiR0NAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAA BGdBTUEAALGOfPtRkwAAACBjSFJNAAB6JQAAgIMAAPn/AACA6QAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF2+SX8VG AAABlElEQVR42mL8//8/AzUBQAAxMVAZAAQQCzLnzat3RGkyv278/6TmWUYYX0RMCC4HEEBkuxBk KDZxgABiIdYA+WlS/yUcJeF8FX5VDJeCAEAAsZDiKpAh6HyQoXfF7sMNBQggkgw8suEQnG0TYAfm P8x6huJCgABiRE42xEaKXq/U/4+cDHDDkCMFIICwurB86j64LZ3ZTozofGTD0AFAAOGM5TkNwQxL V+7HysdlGAgABBCGl2GuYQVaJSTAy3DtzgsGYSFuBkVpIYa7D18xLF97mOHJoWYUA5G9DBBATLhc p6qsxPD89QeGa7efM9y594qhOtWRQUdTjWD4AgQQ3oR99+EbhsfP3zP8B8Kfv/4QFWEAAYTi5eT6 NWCOIA87w4s3HxkYGVkYVm84zOBkb8hgpifL8OzFO4ZnL98y7Dl0HcXbyF4GCCAMF4Z5WTB0l/gw GOpqgQ0DaZSUEGCwNNFmmFQTwuBoZ4XXhQABRPXSBiCAqG4gQABhJGz/+HasCnGJowOAAGKkdokN EEBU9zJAgAEACsiMjnQbbQUAAAAASUVORK5CYII= " set imgdata(replace) " iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAUCAYAAACNiR0NAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAA BGdBTUEAALGOfPtRkwAAACBjSFJNAAB6JQAAgIMAAPn/AACA6QAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF2+SX8VG AAABEElEQVR42mL8//8/AzUBQAAxMVAZAAQQC4zx5tU7FAkRcWGw09+8fMtIjEEiYkJgGiCAcLqQ WIPQAUAAUd3LAAHEgswRhXoTBF5DXSiCJEaMqwECiAXZMJghojgMARlOyFCAAGJBdhGyQeQCgABi QnfhazIjAwYAAogRlrAZGRkxXPefhJiHJRuAAGJBjwQUA8hwIUAAoSQbUffVFIchQACxEKsQW5IS PSoPFntt/RDuO4AAwpmwkV2LLcJAhoEMAmGYwSAAEEAseA0Csl/vDGUklKSQXQgQQCgGgjSjG4Yv 0SO79n/gZ7A8QADBkw16aYMr/FAyAlIYwpINQAAxUruABQggqpc2AAFEdQMBAgwASih+rWhEDtwA AAAASUVORK5CYII= " set imgdata(replaceall) " iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAUCAYAAACNiR0NAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAA BGdBTUEAALGOfPtRkwAAACBjSFJNAAB6JQAAgIMAAPn/AACA6QAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF2+SX8VG AAABKklEQVR42mL8//8/AzUBQAAxMVAZAAQQC4zx5tU7FAkRcWGw09+8fMtIjEEiYkJgGiCAcLqQ WIPQAUAAUd3LAAGEYqAo0JswjOx1GEZR674aa2wCBBAjLJYZGRn/v4Z6E2QgiA0yBNnrMD42w/6f TwerAwgguAtBBqC7Dhd4vTOUEUbD2DAAEEBMyN4FGfqayMhANwgGAAKIBT0Mkdn/kZIPsTEPEEDw MERPh6QCWDoECCAmYmKOFAAQQCzEKkQODnhqOCoPFntt/RAeFAABhDNhI7sWW4SBDAMZBMIwg0EA IIBY8BoEZIOTBjRJ4YxxJBcCBBALrqQAMwzZheheR3bt/8DPYHmAACIqlrEZAnY1UhjCYhkggBip XcACBBDVSxuAAKK6gQABBgBZu5YMn5VoEwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== "
Создано: 02-06-2009 17:28:40
изменено: 17-06-2012 20:08:22
Метки: tcl

